Winter Olympics Not sure if this has been posted already but - Anyone been watching much? Excellent sunday morning viewing - first off it was the mens downhill malarky THEN it was the Men Half Pipe snowboarding - Pro skater Yank Shaun White doing a spot on first run then showboating the last run cause he didn't need it!
hardly none - and only 1 or 2 even with a chance of a medal. Womens curling were doing ok yesterday. so the news man on the telly said. i never watched the curling bit
the mem & womens snowboarding both half pipe & cross were entertaining....the amaerican tryin gto show boat on the snow board cross today & then getting beat was just classic The flying tomato (shaun white) was class but hannah tether (won the womens half pipe) gave him a run for his money.. the mogals has been one of my fav's for years...the speed they get going over bumps like that & the jumps are just awesome also the can you go that fast it's scarey & i also like the slalom (sp) & super g's better than women but womens is getting better I even watch the skating (speed & dance) along with the curling... i haven't seen much ice hockey yet which is always a laugh... bit cack that chemmy alcot was disqualified today because the width of her binding on her ski's was 68.8mm & needed to be 69 mm
sums this country up we not in contention well not show it if we spents half as much effort on other sports than football we might get somewhere
i think the lack of snow plays a big part for us...we're only good at curling cos it's done on an ice rink type thing but theres no funding for our athletes full stop really including our summer time athletes...the lass that won silver in the tea tray race was sponsered by friends & family inc a local pub...she had to raise all the cash for her equipment & stuff too