windows picture and fax viewer for some reason my computer wont load it anymore, it appears int he "right click - open with" bit when u go to open with other programs is there anywhere u can get it for free to reinstall if it doesnt need to be reinstalled is there anything i can do to sort it out cos i cant preview any piccies when looking at "view in filmstrip/thumbnails" have to use paint to view piccies not the windows website cos my xp isnt a proper copy thanks much appreciated in advance or if there is a better one that windows one can any1 reccomend 1?
How to Re-register the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer Click Start | Run In the Run box, type: regsvr32 shimgvw.dll If this doesn't work, try typing this in the Run box: regsvr32 /I shimgvw.dll This should restore the Picture and Fax Viewer registration and you'll be able to use the program again to look at your digital photos and/or faxes.