Win 2000 Startup In windows 98 i can use start - run, msconifg to ammend how the system boots up .... Does anyone know if there is an equivalent facility in Windows 2000 ? Cheers
LOADS of ways you can mess about with stuff in Win 200/XP, most od which can fuck your system, so be careful! There's a similar thing not too sure how you run it, but try this... In any MS app, e.g. MS Word, go to Help->About then click System Info Also, try to get hold of TweakUI from MS, just do a search, but make sure you get the one for your OS
Cheers ! Ive found out that msconfig was not built into Win2K but was in XP. It can be copied from XP and ran in WIn2K
lol was just about to say that mate first thing I did when I upgraded to windows 2000 (think I posted about that before somewhere???)!!! Plus its a class stable operating system which is unusual for windows I know so have fun!!!
Services... In Win2k/XP its all about services........ Not as simple to do as win9x systems but a lot better! When u want summit to autorun on bootup etc u create a service......wont go into it on here cos am too tired for a start to even think! If u wish to delv into it tho just lookup services in the system help function......... ( an easy way as well is just to dump stuff into ya Startup folder of u start menu )
lol, exactly, just paste somethin into your startup folder and it works, launches straigt away. i do that for the internet. Auz - what exactly do you want to do?