will you be my friend? im lonely. love of my life and bestest friend is hiding up in the toon and i miss him will you be my friend?
Don't worry! were all very friendly in this neck of the woods... ... Unless provoked or spoken 2 on mondays!!
im always nice and happy im on prozac, i cant be sad! my laddo is back home now...but i still dont get to see him till tomorow cos his rents are evil. but i still need more friends!
yeah im cumin...but im still quite scared....not exactly sure what to expect...and am incredibly worried about what to wear. got my acessories all sorted, but i dont no about actual clothes.
I'll be your friend. I havent been to Promise for ages and i dont know any of this lot so we can be the 2 new people.
Every1 is very accepting @ promise, most the time i dress like my avatar... but anything goes really! :groovy:
have been informed to stand up for myself and stop being such a wimp....what crasherkid forgets is that i am a lame wimp...im not 'hardcore' like him and his 'burd'
hav no worries, just make urself known n u'll make loadsa friends offa here. just look out 4 sum1 this friday dressed like me avatar (mask n all ) n u'll not go far wrong AH FUCK! smartes made a monkey!! YAY!!
im sure evry1 will love ya, i started on the message board about 2 weeks ago, 3 day b4 i first went 2 promise, and as soon as i said my username evry1 knew me.....how friendly is that!
Hey Crasherbiatch, nice to have u here!! U probs wont see me for a while (unless u go to GKGG) but welcome to the board.. hope u enjoy your first Promise... they re all a quality bunch!! Doggie
Don't worry about meeting people, i have to pay for Mr. Revel and Jackmater when we go to promise, just so that they'll say nice things to people so that i get to know others off themessage board , promise is very friendly, don't worry u'll be fine, if all all else fails i'll speak to ya (however i don't think thats helped a gr8 deal sorrry)
promise is a very friendly place, im sure you'll be fine, come and find me and i'll introduce u to every1 (you know, with me being the friendliest person in the world un'all) ill be the little pink cyber, come say hi, i'll make sure every1 is nice to you, and if they rnt, i'll kick em in the balls, thats if they are lads, but all the lasses are nice anyway, so it will mostly be lads, im rambling rnt i?!?! so anyway, yeah, im nice