Will i ..... ..get into digital in fancy dress ? i've got a works (fancy dress) party on the 21st but i really wanna go to hooked later on in the night! i'm thinking of going either as a ghostbuster (with inflatable proton pack) or 80s style Miami Vice
I'm sure you'll be fine.... If that kid who wears the wooly hat, dodgy geps, stripey blazer and tucks one of his trouser legs into his sock can get in, you'll be right in ghostbusters getup Remember it's the Other Rooms this month too
Re: Re: Will i ..... your safe pike i have just ordered the full outfit. White Suit, pink tshirt & a miami police department badge. Complete with wig, gun and shoulder holster
Re: Re: Re: Will i ..... u need the shades like! but 2 be honest if u just wore that and i seen ya and didnt know u id think that geezer looks a reet tit
Re: Re: Re: Will i ..... i could've loaned u the gun and shoulder holster mate......but u definitely wouldnt have got into digital with them
i'll be taking my camera bud so far out of the lads i work with we have Crockett, Magnum P.I, Nightrider, Shaft, Saddam Hussein, radioactive man and Mo from the simpsons
he's got this rubber mask, cost about £20. Then he's just gonna wear trousers, shirt and an apron one of the lads got dressed up as rambo last year and got chinned in a pizza shop
couldnt quite pull it off then?! he should have dressed like chuck norris and the bloke wouldnt have touched him!!