I don't like the controls for it mind. They look too much like a tv remote. Which I always loose anyway.
I've got reservations about them too like, but guess i'll wait til i've tried one. Could be absolutely amazing, or just a load of wank. I'm all for technology advancing and that, but the pessimist in me says the motion sensor is just one more thing to break/go wrong!
looks slick like, how does this compute though for the ps3, fucking ripping bastards, where does the extra £100 come from. A basic version of the console will cost $499 (£266), while a premium model will sell for $599 (£320). . The exact price in Britain has not been announced but the head of Sony Computer Entertainment in the UK has suggested it could be around £425.
if you think about it though you get a cheap blueray player, seeing as there going for about £800 each, cause i'm well gonna want a hd dvd format so not having to buy the player will save me ££££££'s. its good future proofing i reckon to.
yeah, at the end of the day when they release the xbox360 HD-DVD drive it'll probably cost a fortune, pushing the overall price at least into the region of the ps3.
There's a proper controller for wii too- looks a bit like a SNES controller with added analogue sticks... http://www.britishgaming.co.uk/?p=787 looks liek it's predominately be uused for retro / gamecube games but if the controller's there then you can probs use it on other things too
i wouldnt be too dubious as to how well the controller is going to play, since ive not heard one single person out of the hundreds of thousands who played with it at E3 come out and say its shit.