Why ?? What the fuck is Nat getting none stop shit for ? Personally i dont know him but to be honest i think all this shit posts here n there is a bit fucking uncalled for ! Theres numerous new members and this n that and its starting to piss me off ! If u cant say it to his face then theres fuck all point indoing it ! Nat ur a bigger person than all these even if ya have had the odd argument on here ! :evil:
aww I feel really bad about the thread I made I'd just like to point out that it wasn't a go at all, I've never seen him before and it was just a comment i made after I saw his stor trooper, and I'd no idea he's been getting a lot of crap
ive chatted to him, and he seems alright to me! i dont think he will take it to heart, he seems like a layed back kinda guy. i kinda admire him, at least he not affraid to share his views and stick up for what he thinks is right! but every1 should give it a rest now.
yeah, Nat seems ok to me....... has some strange ideas but his posts are usually interesting enough. no reason for ppl to be having a go at
met ya at GG Vs Promise... u seem like a nice person - and i took a great foto of u but dont worry, it's banished to the 'spangled' foto collection Until later in life when i will dig it out to show ur future kids or sumthin :groovy: