Why when you name dogs does someone always say.. Molly! or Polly! Just got a Jack Russell today and it's a total savage. Went for my other dogs. Can't see it staying here for very long. Anyone experience of this?
Re: Why when you name dogs does someone always say.. ive got 2 boxers, when i first got the pup it was always going crazy with the big 1, then when the big 1 put it in its place. now they are like dad and son (they are uncle and nephew) fuckin quality dogs though, stupid as fuck.
i got a jack russel/beagle shes called rosie, we didn't name her though she had the name when we got her as a puppy this is her
well tyson was born some time in 1988 and my bday is in october 1988 so the chances are he is older than me. he shows my pup whos boss like, the big 1 duznt give a shit (probs coz hes about 3 times his size)
Prob is with mine is that the supposed dominant male won't stay in the same room as her and my other dog is too old to defend himself. She doesn't just bite for the sake of it, she bites and hangs on like she's trying to kill. Scary shit! She's permanently muzzled for now. I was thinking of getting her a crate to stand on so she looked like she was in silence of the lambs.