why the fuck do women leave long hairs all over the place, yet never go bald, unlike your male counterparts who become slapheads overnight. my room is fuckin covered in these stupid fuckin things, and she was only round for a bit last night.
she had to collect my washing,oi ian, where is my jumper and coat, sneaking off to bradford like that, and are you on msn?
set up msn yesterday, but now its fukked an won't let me sign in... ooppps!? they're round@ours, jus go an get em, some1's prob in now.... sorry mate!?
god only knows!!!! i have a m8 who's hair was on a verge of taking over he world!!! i found hairs belonging to her bout 3 or 4 mths after she'd stopped living with us!!!
nope, sorry mate uni pissin me off an boro, well do i really have 2 say why i wanted 2 leave boro?! did u get those piccies mate? cos if not i'll try an get em smaller 4 u 2day...
na, i got them, but i only got a few, i want them all, will you get them on disc for me, then i'll steal the lot, espesh the one in the hospital.
hahaha, i get wrong for this off daniel/jeff/ade 24/7!!! i leave these big long blonde hairs everywhere, yet ive still got loads in my head jeff even found one on his toothbrush a few weeks ago. he was not in the least bit impressed!!! daniel has to go to work after spending some time with me, and he works with food, and he finds these big long kerry hairs everywhere!!!!
im glad you laughed, as soon as i posted it i thought that's a fucking lame attempt at humour roll on lunch time