Re: wHY R SOME cos it's always been like that. I either just ignore them or wind them up depending how I'm feeling.
Its just like life though isn't it? It's not just on this message board, everywhere you go there'll always be people you don't really get on with. You just ignore them or rip them
I can live with that. I'm quite vain too but i am still working on that, aint quite got it right yet.
yeah totally agree, but this board definitely aint here for making enemies, its not about pissing each other off and causing rifts. Its brought together more and more people in the area, some of my closest friends are because of this board and i for one am bloody grateful. And ive seen its moments of madness etc, but it has been a bit too serious lately... dunno what has happened exactly, but to me it seems instead of it being a board full of likeminded clubbers (which it is in a way), its been split into groups all to their own. Not sure if anyone agrees with me, but i think we all know it.... shouldnt be like that though... thats not what clubbing is about !! Apart from some people being too serious and up their own arses lately there is a lot of 2 faced people now.... why? Difference of opinions? social status?? what is it? -- as far as im concerned clubbing has got too serious now. Maybe thats the reason IMO the clubscene has sort of halted at the moment... tis really hard to find something new and fresh (thinkin bout mark here) ... normally it does turn round eventually, and for promise's sake i hope it does. But cant we just get the whole fun and togetherness back instead of the whole competing, seriousness and lack of harmony there is at the moment....maybe im just talkin shit...but hey thats my view at the moment.