Why do you love promise so much? I don't know if you're aware but there's a new website www.doubledropped.com starting up in february and there's alot planned! As some of the team are coming upto Promise for Matt Hardwick in February we'll be doing a review of the night, Interview with Richard Tulip and the promotors all being well. As part of our review there will be a direct focus on the promise clubbers themselves on why they love promise so damn much! which I don't deny you all do. If I could use this post for you to add your views it would be appreciated and aid in our feature coming up for the end of february. If you have any material, photographs etc that would also be fantastic to give credit to your club in our feature. Send those to adelaide@doubledropped.com Thank you
could you put a picture of duncan on please. he is a good representation of promises cyber population.
Well, personally, i think there are a lot of factors that make promise as good as it is: 1) the venue - after the re-fit it is suitably impressive, downstairs its dark, smoky, hell sometimes it just looks downright dirty, but it works - it just feels right. upstairs in our new flashy always room the atomsphere is different, light, chilled, clean and also 'right'. the sound in promise is very good - the downstairs system has a hell of a lot of oomph (hell, sometimes too much!) and upstairs sound system aint no slouch either. 2) The music - we have some top quality line ups at promise, i can honestly say some of the sets i have heard there have been nothing short of breathtaking. Also, i kinda feel like we have a say in what is played there - generally speaking if we on the board ask for someone - promise seems to go out of its way to book them, (and i guess this would kinda make us feel special ) and still maintain the feel of the club - because some people we have had at promise (on reqeust of the people here on the board (or so i think) ) wouldnt seem to fit into the average promise schedule. But somehow they are made to adapt to the promise sound. 3) The community - The community is arguably one of the things that (to regulars) makes the club so special. We have a broad range of people, different styles, different people - and for the most part they are great, ive met some fantastic people through promise, and i know as a matter of fact a lot of people have been known to come to promise just to see people they have met, even if they aren't really keen on the person playing that night. some of the people on here are honestly some the friendliest people ive ever met, and for that, im grateful. But to get the thing that ultimately makes promise so special, its when you get a combination of all three. you have the venue, you have the music you love, and you are surrounded by people you like and you are comfortable with - that feeling just can't be replicated... it's truly something special - and i am indebted to promise for providing so many nights like the one i describe. Hope that is of some assistance :groovy:
i like it cos its a good laugh, its close to my house. and sometimes some good DJ's play. and sometimes that nice girl goes (who i still havent talked to )
No just about to get my 3 shredded wheat now so i don't get hungry during my exam cos i am shit when i get hungry my body shuts down and i can't do anything
Im very picky about when I go to Promise, depends whos on. For me tho, its the general Atmosphere, Music and Lack of Baja-Type tw*ts. Everyone is friendly and up for it, theres no 'Yee lookin at mee girlfriend leek!' idiots