Who's the rock star then? From ITV.com: A British rock star is at the centre of a police investigation into allegations that he downloaded child pornography from the Internet, it has been reported. Details of the internationally-famous musician, whose name has not been disclosed, are said to have been passed to detectives dealing with a US pay-per-view porn ring. The star is said to be married with children and lives in Britain. Scotland Yard officers are now investigating the case and deciding whether to make an arrest, according to newspaper reports. If he is taken in for questioning he will become the highest-profile person to be held under Operation Ore, the largest-ever investigation into online paedophilia in the UK, reports have said. The rock star's name, credit card details and e-mail address were contained in a list of 7,000 people passed to British police by the US Postal Service earlier this year after the pay-per-view service was smashed, the Daily Mail said. Detectives are said to have been handed details of his credit card last month and believe it was used to pay for access to pornographic images. They are also reported to be investigating the possibility that the card had been used by someone else. About 1,300 people have so far been arrested, including a judge, magistrates, dentists, hospital consultants and a deputy headmaster. Fifty police officers have also been arrested and eight of them charged with offences, including two officers involved in the police investigation into the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. Scotland Yard and the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) each refused to give details of the case, saying they did not discuss individual cases. A spokesman for NCIS said the files of anybody suspected of downloading pornographic material from the Internet were being sent to relevant police forces around the country for further investigation. In 1999 disgraced Gary Glitter was jailed for four months after indecent pictures of children were found on his laptop computer. Earlier this week the former glam rock star, real name Paul Gadd, was arrested and deported by Cambodia. In another episode, singer, record producer and broadcaster Jonathan King was jailed for seven years in 2001 for sex attacks on five boys.
it's fucking amazing how people in such places ie. doctors, police officers and the like can be in to this sort of think. they should all just get there fucking dicks chopped off.
Likely story....... http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/articles/PA_NEWPOLICESAT13Townshend?view=Standard
yeah right. he is totally full of shit. what the fuck would you need to research it for. you know what goes on. that is all you need to know.
It's Pete Townsend from The Who. He reckons he was just having a look to see what it was all about. Like we all give our credit card details over so we can see what it's all about.