Who's on NTL broadband? Anyone on NTL Broadband and have the 1mb (1.5mbit now) service? Do you use a cable modem or your STB? What sorta speeds u gettin? Am on a STB and maxing out around 178k/sec..........poor for 1.5mbit Think the prob lies in using STB instead of a CM.....the engineer sed wen he swapped my box that these boxes were only rated for 700k!!!!!!! So using them on 1.5mbit is daft cos will hardly achieve max speeds :evil:
I thought 187.5 was the maximum speed you could get out of a 1.5Mb connection. 178 isnt that bad, is it?
Re: Re: Who's on NTL broadband? Yeah thats me problem for inconsistant speeds...its the stb...they are useless!!! Aint rated for anything above 750k....bear in mind these are replacement boxes which they gave us to handle 1.5mbit...lol GOnna get a cm a think....!