who would win a fight, lion or tiger? well lions are bigger arent they, but that could also be seen as a disadvantage because they're not as quick, like a tiger, but then again a tiger isnt as big so isnt as strong so who would win?
Kerry thats scandalous There's only a few thousand tigers left in the world and u wanna kill them off to make a quilt!!!!!!!!!! I think tigers would kick lion's arses!!!!!!
donno, catfights are usually quite close, tho i bet the tiger would pull the lions maine. female lion tho, would kick arse, the male ones would just sit and have a rest.
NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Its really sad they're a dying breed, they are one of the most beautiful and amazingest animals left in the world, they shouldn't be strewn over people's beds
suppose same could be said that if u dropped a shark on the plains in africa a lion may have an advantage
you still going on about sharks................am getting worried about ya now. And the lion would deffo win hands down