Who is....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Glitter Angel, Sep 29, 2004.

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  1. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    Who is....

    Time for some promise board awards i think, just for a laugh, coz they always go down well :laugh:

    so, im guna pick the catagories, you have to answer :) they arent the same ones as we always have either, coz we had one not that long ago, so that would just be boring....

    Who is.....

    Best dancer:
    Worst dancer:
    Most camp
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual:
    Most likley to smell of cheese:
    Best haircut:
    Worst haircut:
    Most uncool:
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber:
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber:
    Most reformed promise punter:
    Promise's biggest munter:
    Friendliest person:
    Biggest ****:
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties:
    Person most likley to never get married:
    Person most likely to have a sex change:
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... :rolleyes: ) :
    Person who makes the best threads:
    Best dressed:
    Worst dressed:
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties:
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties:
    Person most likley to attempt suicide:
    Biggest gimp:
    Biggest wanker:
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley:

    There ya go...feel free to add any more catagories if u can think of any good'un's :D
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    Best dancer: Bri :laugh:
    Worst dancer: me
    Most camp: joe
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: scruf
    Most likley to smell of cheese: crasherkid
    Prettiest: rachel
    Ugliest: BFGD
    Best haircut: nicky :p
    Worst haircut: crasherkid...what the fuck is with having streaks of blue in your hair?? it looks like you've been held upside down in a pot of poster paint :rolleyes:
    Collest: i'll save this one for another board i think ;)
    Most uncool: smog :p
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: jimmy
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: Joe
    Most reformed promise punter: Joe once again.....wins that hands down!
    Promise's biggest munter: purvy/crasherkid
    Friendliest person: bri/rachel
    Biggest ****: me
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: sasha
    Person most likley to never get married: Joe
    Person most likely to have a sex change: Joe/Scruf
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... ) : me :rolleyes: or oasis...
    Person who makes the best threads: the spence
    Best dressed: rachel
    Worst dressed: the spence
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: me and joe
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: purvy and aaron
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: :laugh:
    Biggest gimp: duncan
    Biggest wanker: duncan
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: the spence, jimmy, Mos, anyone bigger than me really...or scruf....

  4. Jill

    Jill Registered User

    Feb 28, 2004
    Likes Received:
    And once again, every thread becomes about you. :rolleyes:
  5. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    it no wonder we pick on you...YOU BRING IT ON YOURSELF!!
  6. purvy

    purvy Registered User

    Dec 30, 2002
    Likes Received:
    in the 'cuzzi
    Best dancer: moz
    Worst dancer:
    Most camp: scruf
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: scruf
    Most likley to smell of cheese: spence
    Prettiest: emma (she hardly omes on here now)
    Ugliest: fizz
    Best haircut: mick (haway the pat), geordie (now he has hair)
    Worst haircut: fuck knows
    Most uncool:
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: martin
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: peter
    Most reformed promise punter:
    Promise's biggest munter: not me
    Friendliest person: jimmy
    Biggest ****: harper
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: miller and rach
    Person most likley to never get married:
    Person most likely to have a sex change: scruff
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... ) :kerry haha
    Person who makes the best threads: no one really
    Best dressed: mick (m-x)
    Worst dressed: quite a few
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties:joe
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties:most people
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: harsh award
    Biggest gimp: chris uk (hahaha)
    Biggest wanker: harper
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: allie, (u never know what that devious bastard is capable of)

  7. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Islington, London
    Best dancer: miller :D
    Worst dancer: me.. not really dancing tho is it?
    Most camp: miller
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: dobbs
    Most likley to smell of cheese: you.
    Prettiest: Marissa
    Ugliest: Allie
    Best haircut: Jon
    Worst haircut: me
    Collest: ?
    Most uncool: smog
    Most likely to attempt suicide? nass
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: jimmy
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: everyone looks stupid in cyber.
    Most reformed promise punter: ?
    Promise's biggest munter: mik/slash/purvy
    Friendliest person: aaron / claire
    Biggest ****: liam.
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: :laugh:
    Person most likley to never get married: me
    Person most likely to have a sex change: heather
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... ) : me : ?
    Person who makes the best threads: spence
    Best dressed: kerry
    Worst dressed: smog
    Biggest gimp: oasis
    Biggest wanker: ***
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: far and away, duncan.... green suit or no green suit...
  8. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
    Likes Received:
    happy happy!! :)
    biggest wanker...hhhmmm...meaning "you"...??!! "mik"...??!! elaborate please....xxx
  9. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Best dancer: Vin's head nod :p
    Worst dancer: Me
    Most camp: Oasis
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: Dobbs
    Most likley to smell of cheese: That fat lass
    Prettiest: Rachel
    Ugliest: Peter by 4am
    Best haircut: Katie
    Worst haircut: Allie
    Most uncool: Goalking
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: Hoover
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: Katie/Jess
    Most reformed promise punter:
    Promise's biggest munter: That fat lass
    Friendliest person: Doctor Mick
    Biggest ****: Oasis
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties:
    Person most likley to never get married: Me
    Person most likely to have a sex change: Dodgy
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... ) : Oasis
    Person who makes the best threads: Kerry/Spence
    Best dressed:
    Worst dressed: Hoover
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: Joe
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: A dead guy
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: Me
    Biggest gimp: Oasis
    Biggest wanker: Harper
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: Pike (he's lovely really tho!)
  10. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered User

    Dec 23, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Who is....

    Best dancer: Crasherkid
    Worst dancer: Goalking
    Most camp: SmogĀ¬
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: Scruf
    Most likley to smell of cheese: Crasherkid
    Prettiest: Sasha
    Ugliest: Nat
    Best haircut: Simon Lister
    Worst haircut: M X(hahahaha)
    Coolest: Joe
    Most uncool: Juski(soz bud)
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: Me
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: Peter
    Most reformed promise punter: Me
    Promise's biggest munter: Peter
    Friendliest person: Basic Instinct but theres loads
    Biggest ****: Pike
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: ManofScience
    Person most likley to never get married: Kerry
    Person most likely to have a sex change: Joe
    Person who makes the shittest threads: Oasis
    Person who makes the best threads: TheSpence
    Best dressed: M X
    Worst dressed: Juski(THAT shirt)
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: Mark Maitland :p
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: not sure
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: Oasis
    Biggest gimp: Aaron!
    Biggest wanker: Purvy
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: No-one
  11. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    :rolleyes: whats the point in putting stars tom?? u might aswell have just said nothing...
  12. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    Re: Re: Who is....

    :eek: why me?????
  13. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Re: Who is....

    Best dancer: Most people look as if they are having a fit :p
    Worst dancer: Scruf
    Most camp: Scruf/Ferox
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: Scruf or Spence :laugh:
    Most likley to smell of cheese: You smelt our flat?
    Prettiest: xPx
    Ugliest: Too many :p
    Best haircut: not bovvered :p
    Worst haircut: Scruf's sash-attack :lol:
    Coolest: xPx
    Most uncool: Me, im uber-cool :screw: or breakdownboy
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: ALL OF YOU!!!
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: NONE OF YOU!!!
    Most reformed promise punter: ???
    Promise's biggest munter: purvy/crasha/hummel
    Friendliest person: Too many to name :up:
    Biggest ****: Hummel :p
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: Glitter Angel :lol: :p
    Person most likley to never get married: ???
    Person most likely to have a sex change: Nass :D
    Person who makes the shittest threads: Mel B
    Person who makes the best threads: Spence
    Best dressed: xPx
    Worst dressed: Probably me, I own cardigans and a nightie :blush:
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: Me
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: Fa Kin Su Pah... cos its too late! :lol: ;)
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: Erm.. pass ;)
    Biggest gimp: Dobbs
    Biggest wanker: d0d9y probably wanks more than most :sick: :p
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: Any of the "promise board future serial killers" :eek:
  14. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered User

    Dec 23, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Re: Re: Who is....

    I duno, you just never seem to settle with one person, nothing negative hun :)

    Jus - :lol: :cool2: You're still an A1 bloke!
  15. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Who is....

    :( im only young...theres time left yet...
  16. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Best dancer: /
    Worst dancer: /
    Most camp: Kyle
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: Dobbs
    Most likley to smell of cheese: /
    Ugliest: Peter (4am ;) )
    Best haircut: Crasherkid
    Worst haircut: Scruf
    Collest: /
    Most uncool: Scruf
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: /
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: Peter
    Most reformed promise punter: /
    Promise's biggest munter: /
    Friendliest person: Jimmy
    Biggest ****: /
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: Sasha
    Person most likley to never get married: /
    Person most likely to have a sex change: Dod9y
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... ) : Harper
    Person who makes the best threads: /
    Best dressed: M-X
    Worst dressed: /
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: /
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: /
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: /
    Biggest gimp: /
    Biggest wanker: /
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: USSR Patroit :eek:
  17. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered User

    Dec 23, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Who is....

    Thats true Kez, didn't mean to offend u :love: *hug
  18. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    you've put alot of effort into answering that basic instinct ;) :rolleyes: :p
  19. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Who is....

    none taken ;) :love: *hug back
  20. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Best dancer: mozza!
    Worst dancer: tom.
    Most camp : tom
    Most likley to be a repressed homosexual: tom
    Most likley to smell of cheese: tom
    Prettiest: sashas mam. :love:
    Ugliest: wud be just plain nasty ;)
    Best haircut: fester.
    Worst haircut: tom
    Coolest: who cares
    Most uncool: the tossers bk at mine last week :)
    Person who looks the most stupid in cyber: me
    Person who doesnt look that stupid in cyber: fit 16 year old birds
    Most reformed promise punter: bri
    Promise's biggest munter: craig
    Friendliest person: aaron/mick
    Biggest ****: fink
    Person most likley to be married with 5 kids by their early twenties: fink
    Person most likley to never get married: allie
    Person most likely to have a sex change: allie
    Person who makes the shittest threads (go on...say me... ) : geordielee on slow sunday afternoons
    Person who makes the best threads: pike
    Best dressed: oliver twist
    Worst dressed: duno
    Person most likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: your all useless fuckers on here.
    Person least likely to be a millionaire by their thirties: u lot.
    Person most likley to attempt suicide: tom
    Biggest gimp: all the tossers who wer'nt invited to mine last week
    Biggest wanker: tom for 'not inviting them'
    Person who you would be scared to approach if u seen them in a dark alley: gk
  21. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Re: Re: Who is....

    thankfully untrue. git.

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