Who is... On the board, who is in your eyes... 1) the funniest 2) the wittiest/sharpest 3) the most arrogant 4) the most intelligent 5) the scapegoat 6) the happiest 7) the most miserable 8) the leader 9) the biggest arselicker go on kids its just for fun
1) the funniest Teknofish, Nass (not intentionally!) 2) the wittiest/sharpest 3) the most arrogant Me? 4) the most intelligent Lee Foster 5) the scapegoat 6) the happiest Kerry 7) the most miserable Nass (smile you happy cunt ) 8) the leader THE SPENCE Mark 9) the biggest arselicker
Hahahaha I'm not gay, and I hardly smiled at the last Promise because I was knackered. I'll smile just for you tomorrow if that will make you happy
1) the funniest loopyloosy 2) the wittiest/sharpest Joe 3) the most arrogant Confuzzled 4) the most intelligent Ade 5) the scapegoat Nat 6) the happiest El Maraca 7) the most miserable Mr Sleepy but i think thats cause he is a mackem 8) the leader TryHard*TidyClaire 9) the biggest arselicker Diamond Phil