Who are you? But really????? Was chatting to some peeps earlier and we realised we dont have any idea who the fuck you are?? So i'll go first. My names Duncan, i'm a taurus and i'm 21yrs old. I like long walks in the park and romantic dinners. I am looking for someone with a GSOH who likes animals. But really who are you?
I am John Pepper, 21, from Heaton, been going to Promise for 2 1/2 years and have just got the internet!
My name is Jimmy Craik and I live in a little place called Bedlington. I work for Bt.com. In my spare time I enjoy djing, playstation 2 and consuming copious amounts of drugs and alcohol. I have a girlfriend and her name is Debbie. She is fit and I am fat!!!!!!!
My name's Claire and I'm an alcoholic... no, seriously... I'm Claire (aka TryHard*tidyClaire, Crash and Gurn, My little pony, Linda and 'do the fucking lines linda') I'm 23, I live in Yorkshire I've never been to promise, but I'll be there on the 4th