who all is doin work for uni/collage for tomo sittin here tryin to write an essay on feminist culture in magazine advertising, and it just ain't happening. who else is typin away franticly for tomorrow? we can heap sympathy on each other
im not doin any work for 2mrw 4 uni... but for friday a full dvd.. workin title sequence.. qtvr movie.. all on dvd. website online for galaxy radio... essay and website on phillip saville graphical illustraions on the country.. congo.. fun eh. gud luck kids... and dont take 82 pro plus.. u shake a bit
ive stopped in the hope that i'll get it all done tomorrow in time for tuesday... ...never gonna happen
slippery slope my boy, hand in tomorrow for me aint till 4.30pm, but i better get as much done as i can, thats why im sitting typing this, ahhhhhhh i'm so dead:evil: :evil:
why do we always leave it till the last minute? once this is done though ive got shitloads to be done for another 2 weeks time and havent got a clue how to do the work either! gunna be a tough two weeks!
im yet another one that left it late cant even find the sheets so giving up till tomoro as i have my uni work done adn when i finish uni tomror i have just enough time to get my college work done before i go so i made a tape and mixed on msn instead
Iv got lots of exams to look forward to when i get back!!! havent done any work over the holidays for them either!!!
na i've given up, can't seem to work tonite,ever get those nites, bugger looks like i ain't gonna get that 2:1