which ftp to use? want to know which is best ftp to use? also if it so happens if i get that ftp but then accidentally somehow lose the serial anyone got a spare serial i could use worst case scenario kinda thing pm me
Re: which ftp to use? I use Flash fxp but am at work so cant send you the serial number of my origional cd case. Will pm ya when home if I remember.
smart FTP and it's free i'm pretty weary of any pirate software these days like, more often that not its virus riddled.
wrong you read too many newspapers and obv dont know where to look back on topic though - FlashFXP is all u need
Never read newspapers. Its much worse than it was a few years ago Not all of us use your 1000000000gigabit newsgroup
if you must download from crappy p2p networks just make sure you have your virus scanner kept upto date. its nothing to do with the speed of the connection, it's just called knowing the crack chris, the "geek" who knows nooooothing! :laugh:
I've got a few "Evaluation" style messages but if you keep ignoring them you can use it forever.. I think
I've used a free version of WS_FTP for years without problems and I'm thick as shit.. it's really easy to use. Not brilliant but it does the job.
didnt know there was a free version of this knocking about. The newest versions are top notch but not free! I wanted some free software for use in schools as I cant just bung anything on with a crack due to copyright restrictions.... if it were in my own back yard.... different story! lol