You talked AT us both for about 10 minutes then informed us that the story was over and we should leave (without even a hint of a punchline or conclusion to your rant). The only break in your verbal onslaught was Maitland informing us that he 'wanted to lick that chav's jumper'. Just say no kids.
yeah i think i embarresed myself slighty, its nothing new to ruth but it is to you I hate the boat you are forced into sociable encountersand with these i struggle
Hey, it's what the boat is for. I was feeling a bit special as well after two days on the lash. :spangled:
just slightly :blush: i still love you tho there was a few comments that went straight over your head :spangled: :think:
:laugh: for some reason you seem obsessed with where i live Pike what game were you playing on the x box 360...i think it affected your brain pike