Where were you? I was talking about this with some peeps from work today. And we could all remember where we were when the world trade centre collapsed. I was sat at confuzzled's arguing what to watch on tv. Think it was between baywatch or airwolf. Then i remember going home and putting on the tv and thinking fuck me these special effect's are good then i realsied it was the news. So i phoned confuzzled and went round to his and watched then news for about 6hrs straight. Truly was the day the world stood still.
i was at college, then i went to my ex boyfs to watch it. a year b4 that, i was in new york, in tower b.
I was in Ibiza, it didn’t real sink in until the next morning when we were sitting in a bar watching the TV after Gods
At work, the whole Internet went tits up for about 12 hours after so the only way we could find out what was going on was to listen to the radio. One of the most bizzare days of my life so far.
same here. proxy server was shut down as well the bastards. they couldnt be arsed to deal with everyone trying to access the net to see wot was happening so they shut it down. VERY HARSH and totally uncalled for me thinks.....ppl have a rite to know. so, it was a case of ppl listening to radio's, ppl ringing in etc.... sad day
i heard off a m8 at college, i went home straight after. i had just that second walked in2 the sittin room wen all of a sudden the 2nd plane hit the tower live. i was like FUKC!! was surreal
I was at work when i worked at Safeways. Bizzare cos i even remember the exact spot where i was standing between the bakery and the top of aisle 3 and one of my mates who was coming through cos hed just finished work at 2pm in the pub next door. he said something like "have u heard, some nutters just drove a plane into the World Trade Centre?". Finished work at 3 that day and watched the news all day and then most of the next fortnight.
Just got back from Ibiza that morning. Watching News24 Saw 1st tower in flames, then actually saw everything as it happened, the 2nd plane crash, the collapse, everything. I guess its one of those events where EVERYONE knows where they were and what they were doing that morning!
I was in a pub in Sunderland called Gillespies when I first heard about it. No-one seemed to know anything about it and we didnt know whether it was true or not. I then went to the sun bed shop, and it came on the radio, you could of heard a pin drop, everyone was silent for about 5 minutes. I then went to me ex-boyfriends house and sat glued to the tv for about 5 hours, watching the same thing over and over again. It was like watching something out of a movie like Independence day. Gizmo x
Funny u should say that Giz cos thats exactly what I thought when I was watching TV coverage in Ibiza!!! Was SSSOOOOOO surreal!!!! Didnt actually find out about it until late in the afternoon. I remember walking past a bar in San An town on me way back to me hotel and seeing a bar-packed of people and seeing flames on TV...didnt have a clue what was going on!!!! Only the next day did we realise the extent Shocked was an understatement!!!! WILL NEVER EVER forget where I was.....to be honest it changed me hols.....made me think that life can be so cruel and made us have a better holiday....basically not giving a fuck!!!!! R.I.P. the three thousand or so who were so cruelly murdered
I was at sixth form messing about in the common room when mate came in - was only about 4 of us there as everyone else was in lessons! He said planes have crashed into twin towers & 1 plan has crashed over pensilvania (spelling?) But he didn't know much about it! When got home had things to do so forgot bout it 4 a min then realized what he had said! Turned telly on and watched news stunned as everyone else was! Footage just didn't look real - well if you know what I mean you thought to yourself this can't be real etc.
I was having my lunch and watching TV when the news came on. Rest of the day was surreal. I haven't watched CNN so much before in my life!
I was on my way home from college and i heard some people talking about it on the bus. I couldnt really hear what they were saying so i put the TV on when i got in and about 10 mins later the second plane hit. I just sat and watched the TV for the rest of the afternoon and didn't go back to college. Then was a nightmare at work cos i work in a government building, took over an hour just to get in the carpark, the whole car was searched and all my passes and ID were inspected.
I was in town getting some new tunes. I didn't stop once to look at the TV's cause I thought it was a car bomb that had went off at Canary Wharf.
I was at college - i got a phone call and i was like "Whats the world trade centre?" *yes yes one should be blond!* It was when i was in maccy d's that i realised properly what was going on!!! Nee good