Where can I get a broadband cable in newcastle (RJ11)? Right, I'm getting broadband on Thursday and need a 10 meter cable for it. After hours of painstaking negotiations with trance_fan I now know that I need an RJ11 cable. Does anybody know of any places in Newcastle which might stock them? Need ideas around the City Centre area. Anyone know the score? Cheers.
Re: Where can I get a broadband cable in newcastle (RJ11)? Any pc shop worth it's salt. Try Computer Direct on Scotswood Rd, by the arena. I think I've got fuckloads in a suitcase, but none that's ten metres long though - quite easy to put em together... Btw - why do you need the cable? They run the cable into your house whereever you need it to go
Re: Where can I get a broadband cable in newcastle (RJ11)? There's a bloke who works for Telewest round the corner from me, make me an offer £ wise & i'll pinch his van + all contents for you
Re: Re: Where can I get a broadband cable in newcastle (RJ11)? Cheers mate, I know Computer Direct it's next to college. Was thinking of that one as a last resort though seeing as it's fucking freezing and a long treck from the Haymarket area. Any ideas of one along Northuberland Street/Eldon Square area? Marce - a ten foot RJ11 cable would do really, I'll give you a fiver to come and drop it off. Cheers.
0wned dogdy. 0wn3d. Had Rossy have told me straight up what he needed it wouldnt have taken so long gurns.
Pah - you kiddies stick with your slow ADSL If he'd mentioned that it was I wouldn't have been so silly, esp getting my cables mixed up...