Where can i get 4CHOON live DJ Sets I LOVE Trance DJ's and have sometimes found the odd live mixset on the net. I have noticed that their are MORE and MORE live mix sets (from Trance DJ's) that have been appearing on the net by a release group called 4CHOON. They seem to be getting ALL the BIG name DJ's livesets from around the world like including Tiesto, Van Buuren, Johan Gielen, Markus Schulz to name but a few! Now i don't have very many of these as they only pop up on newsgroups every now and then. So i was just woundering if anyone knows of a website where i can obtain live DJ sets that have been put on the net by release groups such as 4CHOON or any other release group..? ThanX in Advance
Was hoping you wouldn't suggest that app as i have tried it before and found it to be very S-L-O-W due to it being of the file-sharing nature! Thanks for taking the time out to reply to my post but what i'm really after IS http: or FTP downloads of the above files ThanX Man