When Liquid was called Robinsons! How amazing was that bar? Same DJ but darker, dingier and less charvas. (I would say that though. I was probably the charva who didn't count those who dressed like me as charvas!) Oh! Also, drinks were much cheaper!
i was in liquid last wed.. and the dj played 10 in 01 for me.. i was pleased... then came on milk inc.... pah.
The lad who works there during week & sometimes covers for Mark is 1 of my engineers! So if he doesnt put what I want on then he wont be playing for a while as getting to Newcastle for 7pm after a full days work in Southampton can be trickey!
Used to love it when it was called Robinsons, top bar and then the charvas got a hold of it and now its just full of drugs and scum!!!!! ,.....................I HATE CHARVAS!!!!!!:evil:
Was between Robinsons and Circus Circus for the most toe-rags per square foot in one bar ever award. Total sh!thole.
I didn't think people went for meals in the Bigg Market. It's better now,got a better sound system than most clubs!
Mark Senior is a quality quality DJ ! I know for a fact he could pull it off in a club - his mixing when ive been in Liquid has never been short of quality and i think we can safely say that as well as him having a vast ammount of tunes he can play a few different styles ! Robinsons used to be a fucking sweatbox and a half - Liquid isnt too bad now but ya still get the scallies ! It all blends in ok tho !
Yeah I always thought he was quality. His mixing is spot on and given the chance to play his own choice of tunes (he's probably under pressure to play more commercial stuff) I'm sure he could pull off a class set
Liquid needs a refit I was told as a bar it is now at least 2 years over what was meant to be it life expectancy.
Crike.. Robinsons was a quality bar when i was younger, and it seemed ok for a while as Liquid (Synthaesia PVD Mix was played all the time) .. then i almost ended up in a fight in there because of two loonies, I avoid the place like the plague now.. even more so when i look in the window! I agree that Mark Senior needs to find a club to play somewhere in toon.. his talents are being wasted in Liquid.