Re: When did Seniorarselicker get made Admin? been one for months now man! get with it fella u sorted ya fone yet??
During the good old days when we were booting folk left right and center. He was brought in to watch out for trouble makers and ban them... kinda like a tough guy
The C*U*N*T*S need a hierarchy of butt kissers innit. Fancy a camping trip away lads? We can take a 3 man tent and only 1 sleeping bag....
so if i stick administrator under me name do i get special powers, or do u have 2 put out wit old men first to get the privlige of playin hitler???
Well apart from the peeps that c this thread how many will b able 2 spot the difference? @ a quick glance
Re: When did Seniorarselicker get made Admin? seniorarselicker indeed........ fook off with shit slaphead, its mr Axe to you Was back in octoberish......... Rob wanted some more muscle to keep order amongst the rabble, and yeah i know there's a cheap gag in there somewhere but pls dont bother........... or i'll ban ya again