Whats the most embarressing thing you ve ever done? right heres one of mine... When i was about 16 or 17, i heard you could get caned from smoking peanut skins, so armed with £1 i went a bought a huge back of peanuts from local groccery store, with the intention of gettin caned. Ended up making about 4 "peanut skin" spliffs, and threw them in a cig packet to take out with me. In the end me and a few mates decided to go bowling but didnt realise a) that i had anything illegal on me, and b) there d be bouncers on the door to the bowlling alley... So a young Ken with his mates go to the entrance and then come face to face with a load of bouncers, who demand they search us before we go in... I completely forgot that i had the "joints" on me, so absolutely shat my pants when the bouncer peered inside the cig packet and pulled out 4 dodgily rolled joints... Heres comes the worst bit, i had to try and explain to the bouncer that it was peanut skins in the join as opposed to anything illegal... the guy ripped up my joints to investigate the contents with me going "i heard you could get caned on peanut skins so i d give it a go..." At least if it had been weed, he d have understood and told me to fuck off... I think in the end he sorta understood and let me in, but mates were rippin it out of me all night... Whats yours?
oooh... i gotta few of these... i'll let a not-so-bad one out now... and depending on what else comes from other people, i may let the others slip as well okies... when i was but a wee young'un, i went and got myself a bottle of black death vodka. (the name said it all) i went to my little 'drinking/smoking spot in the woods with a few mates... needless to say, i drank stupid quantities of the drink. and ended up downing like half... about 4 second later, i fell down what was like a cross between a very steep hill and a cliff face, bounced down there (while vomiting) and eventually bounced into the river at the bottom, at which point i was unconcious face down in it... apparently, they couldnt get me home, because i was kicking them or something when they tried to move me... so i got taken home in a WHEELBARROW... i woke up the next day to find myself in different clothes, no recollection of the day before (no headache/hangover somehow :spangled: ) and my parents sitting in front of me, looking quite, quite annoyed, after all they had come in from a night out to find me unconcious on the door step, covered in sick, so they had to change my clothes , and sit awake and watch me ALL NIGHT to make sure i didnt choke on my vomit... oh i was suitably embarrased by all that, i dont think ive ever met anyone else who has been taken home, pissed to the point of near death, in a wheelbarrow :groovy:
well i ve just spent the last hour talking to someone on msn before realising that i was talking to the wrong person... Apologies Sarahatbeep... I honestly thought you were someone else...
a thing i done yesterday... i was downstairs, watchin tv, and i decided to come upstairs to see what was goin on... and instead of sayin to my mam 'im just goin upstairs for a bit...' i actually said 'BRB' to her she had no idea what i meant, but i felt like quite a plum.
Mine was this time after a (shite) night out at the Bizness in Consett while I was still living at home. I was really, really, really pissed and somehow I managed to lose both my shoes, my dad later found one of the them half way down the bank toward my house from Consett although it was covered in sick. The next morning I woke up with the worst hang-over I've ever had (actually I think I had a worse one when I was 13 but that a different story) and couldn't really remember what had happened. I went downstairs to get a drink and my dad and his girlfriend were just laughing. I thought they were just laughing at how rough I looked and it wasn't till I asked why their matress was up against the radiator that I found out. In the middle of the night after eventually getting home and making a half hour walk take 2 hours I'd stumbled into bed. After getting into bed I realised that I needed the toilet. I was that drunk that I got all dis-orientated and took the wrong turn and ended up pissing all over the bottom of my dads bed while he and his g/f were in it. They reckon they were shouting at me but I just ignored them until I was finished then just went back to bed. The next day I rang the nightclub and explained the situation with my shoe and they said it had turned up when the cleaners had came in and I arranged to go in and pick it up. It took me a couple of days to get around to it but after five-a-side one night I did. After an embarrasing conversation with the bouncer explaining my situation (while there was a cue outisde listening to it all too) he let me in and I asked at the bar for the shoe. After about 10 minutes someone finally came back with the shoe and it wasn't even mine. After all that I don't drink Vodka, well, only Promise and even then I wouldn't dare drink it straight.
I have quite a few moments from when I was quite a heavy drinker but I would rather not share them with you all!!! Sleepy - I trust you not to tell!
I've got two different ones... The first one: A few years ago now years ago, it was a saturday afternoon and i'd gone shopping with my mate Jen. At lunchtime we went to this pub for a bite to eat, so we went in, got a drink and then went and sat down. The pub was really packed, cos there was a big England match on. Then, Jen decided she wanted to move tables to a quieter part of the pub so I was weaving my way through all these blokes, I didn't notice that there was a step ahead, so I just fell down it and landed in a heap on the floor. To my credit I didn't spill a drop of my drink, but I got a massive cheer, so much so that got a split second I thought England had just scored, but no, they were laughing at me. Even the bar staff were pissing themselves. I was really embarrased. The other one, when I was about 13 I bought this swimming costume and it was pale yellow, and it went see through when it was wet. I went swimming with my sisters and at one point I got out of the pool. As I was walking around the edge they were shouting at me to get back in, but I didn't know what they were on about so I ignored them, and loadsa people were looking at me and laughing. When I got back in and went back to them they told me that it had gone really see through. I started crying and was too scared to get back out until they brought me a towel. The shame
Ok, about 2 years ago, I went out with a few mates from Leeds to Manchester. I may as well tell the whole story. I had to get to Leeds for my mates to meet me and take us to Manchester in the car, so I got on the train at Sheffield, it's about 10, hardly anybody on it, I was cybered up, don't ask me why I went cyber down canal street but I did. Judging from going down there recently, they've seemed to have picked it up, who would have thought it, I'm a trendsetter, shame they're abit late in the making Anyway, I'm sat on the train, a Virgin one, hardly anybody about all cybered up looking a right clown and this bloke sat at the other end of the carriage keeps playing musical chairs and gets closer and closer which started to worry me abit. Just as I think about moving to another carriage he comes over and just comes out with "look, do you fancy a fuck?" After nearly choking on my kitkat chunky and wondered what the fuck to say, just turned around and said errrrrrrr no and he fucked off into the next carriage. Shitting myself, I go and lock myself in the toilet, only had 10minites and we'd be in Leeds, well I thought, it's a Virgin train remember! The train manager gets on the PA system, we had to divert and go to York first so we would be half an hour late getting into Leeds. Thought to myself, fuck this, I aint sitting in here for the best part of 45minutes, so went upto the next carriage up and ended up with a Rita Sullivan lookalike on one side and some foreign students on the other, they irritated me like mad but felt a hell of alot safer. Got to Leeds, waiting for my mates to get me in the car and they were late! 11pm outside leeds station, when you bring attention to yourself in full cyber it's definately not a good thing. After a few snidey comments and the are you directing travel love (fuck off), they came and we went to Manchester To the embarassing abit!................. We came back to Leeds after clubbing and had abit of an afterparty. That ended late afternoonish and they dropped me off back at the station to get my train. What fucking trains, they were doing repairs to the line so I had to get a replacement coach. So I'm stood outside the station praying for a coach to come thats going to Sheffield, there wasn't, I had to get the one to Doncaster. So I get on the coach and I'm still absolutely bolloxed. There was me thinking we had already been going for at least half an hour and were near Doncaster. SO I stand up and shout out, "does anybody have the time please, we should be near Doncaster now shouldn't we". But we hadn't even left leeds station yet, it was all in my head, as soon as I had said it and looked out of the window with the station in the background, I realised, turned around, got back in my seat and hid for the rest of the journey. Got to Doncaster, still in cyber yes, another place you dont want to bring attention to yourself at, and I had to wait an hour for the train. Got back, ran all the way home because I thought someone was after me. But yeah, great weekend