Personally no, but thats me, have no problem whatsoever with other people wearing it. And whats with all these crap posts?
i think it keeps the "fun" element in the clubs ot an extent and brightens it up!! it also looks betta that not everyonesdressed the same im all for diversity in clubs!! am not a cyber maself cos could neva pull it off at the very beginning so not gonna start now but i reckon it looks good if its done properly!! xxx
I would never ever wear cyber myself but I think it can look pretty good when done properly. Too many people make it look shit tho.
Re: Whats the general opinion on this board? It is not my thing but if people are making the effort then it gets a YAY from me. The Spence
cyber done properly looks good, cyber done shit looks, well, shit. same with anything really tho. i cant be arsed to wear cyber anymore, it was fun for a bit, but then i got sick of it.
Never tried it, dont think i ever will, doesnt mean i dont like it, as people have already said, it looks good when it done good
oh my god you dont wear cyber anymore?? i'm in shock, i know you were dressed trendy last time i saw you but didn't realise you'd abandoned the cyber cause, its just not on
Not really into the cyber thing. Got my cyberdog pants which I think are class and one CD t-shirt, that's it. Done well, it looks well good but there's too many ppl who throw any old brightly coloured/neon things together and think they look the dogs balearics!