Whats The Best.................... Inspired by the other thread on the board, whats the best dream youve ever had????? mine has to when i was djing at pacha in ibiza, what a fucking dream, absolutely class. so what yours then??????
I once had a dream when i was a secret agent behind enemy lines doin some recon. I got spotted by one of the henchmen and tried to run but you know when ya dreamin and ya try to do stuff and ya cant well my legs wouldnt work and i got caught. So they tied me up and started cutting me on my legs. I could actually feel the cuts and my tendons poppin and stuff. was well fucked up but i thought it was mint.
Mine may have been when I had to fight in a war. I had a sword and was chopping loads of peoples heads off, but they kept coming back, I had to keep fighting and chopping more heads off........ very gruesome!
I never remember any gud dreams only nightmares...have this reoccuring one about a man in a cloak with red eyes who keeps attacking my friends...I normally end up hiding in a cupboard by the end of my dream....i'm even a coward when i'm asleep!:evil:
"now you can do what you like" "do what you like" lmao! the memories! i remember when they were at newcastle airport and me and my friends had a birthday cake for robbie lol and we had to cut it with the car keys i was always a true fan lol!!!
i just have weird dreams......last nite my leg fell off n i was hidint out in the back shed of my old house. i had to go round to collect my mail but for some reason it had been stolen. i think i was hidin from the letter theif.
Last week I dreamt I was in the A Team. I was driving around in this car trying to find BA and the rest of the gang. Then I got caught by some officer types and HAnnibal saved me. I also the ability to jump 100s of metres in the air too which was quite cool
It was awesome. I woke and just thought 'doesnt get much better than that'! I also had a dream that I scored for Man Utd. I fuckin hate Man Utd but it was so realistic and was a quality dream. Just a shame it had to be for scum
what a program, the a-team five men have escaped from a high security prison, and if you can find them, they can help you the police cant find them, the fbi cant find them, but if you can find them, they can help you, WTF????? Just look for the big fuck-off van with the stripe down the side and it fuckin says the a-team on the registration plate t`was a joke i heard in the comedy club last week
hahaha! Thats the party - live at wembly video isn't it! I'll never forget the first time I watched that I was sat with my mum and dad and I was mortified when they did 'give good feeling!'
hav had loads but a couple of em were that me n ma mate julie met jules in ibiza n started bin friends with him n even though that neva happened we did win the NYE comp n now we keep in touch with him n we're kinda friends with him which is mint!! and to spend all new years eve with him getting his undivided attention was just the bestest thing eva!! god sorry one day i'll actaully stop going on about it but at the moment it remains to be seen!!