whats really happening in iraq.. stumbled across this on....http://english.pravda.ru/usa/2003/03/27/45167.html interesting!... What is really happening in Iraq? The Americans and their faithful allies, the British, are committing war crimes, attacking a sovereign state outside the auspices of the UNO. Since there have been civilian casualties, these are war crimes by definition. But aren-t they helping the people by freeing Iraq? Freeing Iraq, under whose authority? How do you explain the fact that the Shi-ite south, which was supposed to welcome the ?liberators¦ with open arms, has not risen up against the regime? They-re too frightened. That is not the impression the TV crews are getting. They started by interviewing people in ths streets, asking them what they thought of Saddam Hussein. Every one of them said ?Good, Saddam Good!¦ or ?Saddam like God¦ or some such. The reporters started to say that in a dictatorship everyone was forced to say that but then they stopped making the interviews because everyone was saying the same thing. But that was in Baghdad. No, it was in the Shi-ite south, you know, those guys who are supposed to hate Saddam. Further north the support for him is just the same. But the Americans want to give them a democracy. What if they don-t want a democracy based on the western model ? Look at the map, read it. How many countries in that area have western-style democracies? If there was a free election today, Saddam Hussein would be elected, if he-s alive. If he-s alive? But I saw him on TV. Yes, but which one? He has three doubles you see. There are rumours that he died four years ago, of cancer. One of the last shots of him was supposed to be a feeble old man with his hands shaking as he was trying to light a cigar. They couldn-t have kept that going for four years! Couldn-t they? Wouldn-t that just be Saddam-s last laugh? Well the Iraqis will be better off anyway. They-re all starving. No they aren-t. The government has been very skilful in making sure they-re properly fed despite the sanctions. But the regime ruined Iraq. No, it didn-t. Sanctions did. You see, the sanctions were supposed to prise Saddam Hussein from power. There has been a grand design on Iraq-s oil for a long time. The Gulf War was started as a pretext to topple Saddam Hussein from power, only he proved too powerful. Hang on, the Gulf War was caused by Saddam invading Kuwait. After Kuwait had been warned many times to cease its practice of cross-drilling, stealing Iraq-s oil resources. They were given a final warning before the invasion, which they refused to listen to. The result was the invasion to protect the Iraqi economy, things were not exactly as they were presented. So it-s been the Americans all along? Quite. First they armed Saddam Hussein to the teeth, then when he was getting too powerful, they provoked the Gulf War, then they fomented the revolt by the Shi-ites and Kurds, which didn-t work, so they had to leave them to die. The sanctions didn-t work The weapons inspections didn-t work. After the inspectors were expelled for spying, the USA ad one final attempt. Thinking the Iraqi regime wouldn-t allow the inspectors back in, they prepared a coup de teatre in the Securoty Council. The regime did allow the inspectors back in. They found nothing. Frustrated by this and dying to start the war before the weather conditions made it impossible, they had to go in, without any justification and outside international law. So they destroy the country and then claim they-re the good guys by building it up again? That-s right. And guess whose company gets the lion-s share of the oil contracts?
To be fair, the press made it sound like the whole country was celebrating. According to many people, this wasn't the case.
exactly, the war aint over yet, and the iraqis really should be patient and wait until saddam is dead and theres no danger of any repercussions. im pretty certain theres someone waiting to take his place. if we leave too soon, all those people destroying statues etc are gonna be in the shit, cos the americans cant stay there forever can they??
Get The Express or The Mail When I got home from work and saw the Iraq's pull the statue down, the last time I saw faces like that was when East & West Germans pulled down the Berlin wall. I am still awaiting a response from the anti-war lot regarding an email I sent them about there pro-Iraq stance!
tbh they all do this, during the miners strike even BBC (who are meant to be unbiased) would take footage of picket line skirmishes and splice n dice it so on the evening news events happened in completely different order, e.g. on the news scuffles and stone throwing from the miners provoked a riot charge from the police when in fact it was the other way round, and I saw this with my own eyes. The Mirror is a right wing paper with a left wing veneer, all the tabloids spout rubbish and propoganda.
the express is the best paper in my opinion the war coverage has been good i reckon plenty of propaganda to make the war seem justified, but after everything that gone on, i think it has been proved to have been a good decision the mirror has said a lot of shit during the last few weeks, such a shite paper
What the daily mail was getting at was why drape the statue in the Stars & Stripes when they are supposed to be liberating the county. The sign of a conquering army has always been to lower the defeated armies flag and raise that of your own. The stupid Americans where very very out of order rasing that flag, and very near caused a riot amongst some of the watching Iraqis............. so much so the Flag was taken down after 15 minutes and replaced with the Iraqi flag. The damage by then was already done.
I see the French & Germans have had a confrence about rebuilding Iraq. Whats that all about, Britsh lives have been lost, a lot of taxpayers money has been spent & for what?So the French & Germans can cash!!!! FUCK THAT !!!!!!!! BLAIR WANTS TO GET THEM FUCKERS TOLD!!!!!!!!
at the end of the day - look how Saddam treated his own people. that speaks for itself. Its a tought desicion that Bush/Blair had to take, and all dues to their courage to stand by their convictions. After all the mounting pressure b4 the war started, people and other countries theatening all sorts if they invaded - they stood thier ground. And now Iraq has a better future - you can't argue with that. Iraq can now choose it's own future without Saddam. Just cause he wasn't hurting us, doesn't mean he should have stayed in power. Admittedly the americans have been a bit insensitive to the culture of the iraq but sometimes u've gotta look at the bigger picture of what its going to achieve. soz Kid, sounds like i'm havin a go at you - i'm not! just stating my pro-war opinion. if the anti war do-gooders want something to moan about, look at 3rd world debt or aids in africa.
Yeah I saw that too. I also heard on BBC news24 that a riot nearly broke out and thats why the Idiot soldier was back up the ladders with the right flag within a few minutes. The American Soldiers where given strict orders NOT to raise any flags for that exact reason. USA's worst nightmare is for the Iraqis to feel like the have been invade and conquered. Think about it!
The same fuckers ran 'Dont drop the bomb' campaign when they were trying to save SLOBBA!!!!!!!! I just hope after Gulf War 2 (Bush Jnr Edition), we send a garrison to sort Mugabe out!!!! Mugabe made 500 arrests last week!!!! While everyone has been watching Iraq, this c*unt has been up to his old tricks.
I was at the BBC at the time and that's what we got told too. To be honest, all any of us saw was thru a lens of a camera and therefore from someone elses perspective.