Petty arguments non stop about ridiculous things about sums it up mate!!!! Think joe is just being joe as well - winding ppl up and they dont even know it!!! Lot of people need to just chill out and not start ranting and raving about the smallest of things...
yeah thats the problem as well - a lot of people seem to take things a bit too serious. am sure will be fine tho...
he's a genuine facist don't think his problem is with jews, I'm blwoing things outa proportion... he just doesn't like asians or paki's/nig nogs/darkies as he'd call them
bet he doesnt even know any coloured ppl!!!! ezeelad..whatever ur name is - speak to em - may shock u but...they're normal people
i think there's been a bit of a vacuum since the, as spence called them, the promise juniors went back to school, no-one to take the mick out of, no-one to start the random threads, no-one to keep it light hearted. All thats left now are the 20 something office workers and occasional student, who are bitter and twisted about their jaded lives cause they thought they'd grow up to be more than the feckless majority of disheartened uk workforce, sitting for 9 hours a day, constantly hitting the 'refresh' button on a messageboard for a club they can only go to once a month. or is that just me?