What's everyone upto the next few weekends? Dunno if its me or not, but the line-ups seem quite good for June Hopefully things are on the up I'm at Gods on Friday for John 00 , Pulser and Jon O'Bir, Vision on Saturday for 3 hours of Les Hemstock and then Passion on the 21st - my first ever vist - to see Mr Tulip and co
Back on the 3 1/2 months detox that is the summer 'holidays'. So work, revision for the retakes and being nice to family.:evil:
this weekend- going to alton towers for the day on friday, staying in a B&B the night b4, going with the g/f next weekend- the parents are up visiting me weekend after- lazy weekend after that- mates up for darren emerson at shindig
Me and my missus have bee looking into that for a while - I'd love to go. Is it costing you much mate? 13-15th - Heading to Glasgow, possibly the sub club on Sat. 20-22 - Lee Burridge/Clive Henry @ shindig: No plans further than that but hopefully catching more rays
well, the alton towers hotel is v expensive but theres a link via the website for all the B&B's in the area, and theres loads of them! we are staying in one right next to the park, and its £22 each for a double room, plus £3 for breakfast most of the places are between £20-£30 per night, which is pretty cheap! its £26 to get to the park now as well, pretty steep, but its worth it havent been for 3 years, so im very excited!
Even my old boy has been and his pics are amazing. He's 50+ and looks like a wain in them. I'll take a look, cheers
am working all this weekend. Then picotto a week on fri then GG for the trance tribute on the sat. then i dunno.
I will deffo be doing GG and probs the Shack as well, then i think i might meander over to Ibiza in 2 weeks
Probs going to Jules and Matt this weekend. Dunno after that. Need to save a bit for Global Gathering