Whats an LFE Crossover Frequency? and what will it do to me speakers if i set it too high or low? I forget what it was at by default (this is for my pc speakers btw, in the nvidia nforce options) and i dunno if it's a good thing that I've moved it from min 50 to max 500. Just wondering if it's a sure way to blow my speakers though the roof or not.
LFE = Low frequency effects. Its the frequency at which the bass frequencies are sent to the sub and the mids/highs etc are sent to the normal speakers. Say to set it to 100Hz, then all the frequencies below 100Hz will get sent to the sub, whilst all the frequencies above 100Hz get left as they are. If its set too high the sound will sound tinny, if its set too low then the speakers could flap at high volume. Doubt it would blow them tho.
ooooh right.. that's what i thought it was at first cos I had a similar looking slider with my creative card.. but it doesnt seem to make any difference when i move this one up and down.. the creative used to change loads more. Ah 2 secs.. i never ticked the 'create lfe channel' box. ok i get it now.. cheers