Re: Re: Whats a stottie? And without any fruit in. Nowt like a tea cake really Its a huger than huge sized bap!
Re: Re: Re: Whats a stottie? eh? teacakes dont have currants in!! well they didnt when i was in yorkshire... back me up here claire!
Aye it's just like a big bap. Particularly North-Eastern thing though. Same as the Barm Cake is a Manchester/Cheshire thing. Very strange lookin for 'em in Altrincham mind
All the teacakes Ive ever had have had fruit in them! Teacakes without fruit are bread buns arent they?
all the tea cakes ive ever had have fruit in them...theyre full of mixed peel which i hate so i dont really eat them nemore!
if u use the ones they sell in the bistro at BT then YES!!! they're actually breadbuns but r like stotties really cos they're that squashed & minging!!!
theyr muffins in manchester....but muffins in essex mean 'womans biff' so u can imagine how embarrassin for my friend it was wen i went into a packed chippy n asked for a chip muffin wivout finkin!!