Whatever happened to....... Hannah Wild?? anyone else remember sheer randomness of this one?? also she had the stalkerish tendencies of barry george
Her website http://www.hannahwild.co.uk/ is kaput. She has not logged in to http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=59982695 since September She did post: ATTENTION : Hannah Wild has hung up her headphones . . . . After a fantastic four years touring up, down and all across the country, I have decided to call it a day (for now!). I guess I have grown up?! Ha ha! A MASSIVE THANK YOU goes out to all of you who stood by me, supported me and smashed it on the dancefloor with me! I'll catch you now and then for a boogy! I ended things in style playing to a huge crowd in Canada on NYE 2006/07 . . . You all know who you are, ha ha! This myspace page is here to stay, so if any of you would like to leave me some comments/message/quotes or if you have any cracking photos from gigs of mine please dont be shy and hook me up! Eye Sank You!