so youd rather have your lungs full with water and suffocate slowly knowing theres fuck all you can do until theres not enough oxygen in the brain to function. imagine the panic. i reckon the pain of getting burnt alive would knock you out before it got too bad.
What was the horror called where the guy wakes up in the coffin buried alive ta the end of the film and realises he has suffered the same fate as his girlfriend he was searching for.
Fire without a doubt! This has to be one of the worse ways to go, along with being eaten alive Pity the poor "witches" who were burned at the stake by many a religous nutter in the past. What a way to go, burned alive from the feet up! The horror of it all
Re: What would you fear the most? Death by water or Death by Fire there both pretty harsh forms of death like. them poor people at 911 terror attack jumped out of a fukkin skyscaper, instead of burning 2 death, so id rather drown, out of the 2
Anyone see that BBC doc on Sunday By John Simpson? about when his reporting team and some Kurds were bombed by a USA F14? Afterwards they were looking for one of their collegues in the wreckage and yu saw a couple of burnt bodies, burnt to a crisp they were.
I think drowning would be far quicker than burning... smell and feel my own flesh cooking and going hard? no ta..
Frightening film - get's right in your head that one. I think I even slept with the lights on after watching it
Apparently drowning is very relaxing after a while. cause if you look at fish they flap about for a while before just lying there and dying slowly. So i thinki i would rather drown than having all my skin melt off.
Wierd as fuck... ...I was thinking the exact same thing this morning while watching the Wicker Man. Would definitely not want to be burnt, I'll go for drowning.
Re: Wierd as fuck... Yeah that was horrible. Fire would be terrible and don't think it would be quick. Just burning the end of your little finger is agony,don't even want to think about your whole body