What would you do? I've just been flicking through the FBI's website and come across the top 10 most wanted people. Now, let's say you have some information which would lead to someone on that list being arrested, and in return as promised you would get the $20 million reward. The snag is, the person you've just dobbed into the police is a powerful person and has the influence behind bars to find out who it was who did it and seek revenge. Would you still do it and take the $20 million and risk it, it's alot of money or would you turn a blind eye and walk away from the money.
Re: What would you do? They have been wanting the same 10 for a while now I suppose that is why they are the most wanted! I know where Bin Layden is and I haven't told anyone and the price on his head $25 mill so I am hardly going to go round grassing on people for $20 mill now am I.
But then you'd be bringing attention to yourself and run the risk of being found out. You'd have to have a club that noone goes to so noone will talk about it to anybody, which really wouldnt be any kind of club at all.
ad take the money, after all you could get personal bodyguards to protect you with all that money and think ov all the other stuff you could do with it.....................................................................
I would grass them regardless of the money, if they are on the top 10 most wanted they must have done something pretty bad so deserve to be locked up! Fair enough I would be putting myself in danger but you can't let people like that win!!! Damn my fucking morals!!!
these ppl mite still b able to find ya...............they have lots of money generally made by illegal means.........if they wanna find ya they will!!!