you know when ppl go to togar parties, and they wear white sheets but tied round them, like the romans used to? u could go dressed as a roman, white togar, leaves in hair etc....
Im liking the sound of this > Dutch milk maids outfit Tho pics of u in the outfits wud give us a more informed choice
Re: Theres always 2. There should simply never be any need, EVER, for a bloke to wip his top off in a club. It's just dirty...dirty, dirty, dirty! I saw it happen in Promise the other week, just caught a glimpse, the fiend was sweating towards the downstairs toilet. Just say no kids! Keep the top on!
Its an 'Old Skool' night, so wear someting 'Old Skool' i.e - White gloves, adidas tracksuit, floppy hat, whistle, glowsticks. U'll really look the part