What shall i do on Saturday? I'd like to spend my birthday at Tidy London but it aint gonna happen. So what r my options? What r u's lot up 2? Please help me celebrate in style, your all more than welcome to join me too. Who's not doin anything and wants to do summit different?
Re: What shall i I'm not doing anything, would love to do something different but aint got the pennies. Looks like Im gonna be out in Chester le Street on Friday, unless I can convince Hogg that we need to go to Promise
Oh dear, chester-le-street! Persuade him, i think i'm going but i need to do summit saturday! Nass - scared of what?
Re: Re: What shall i NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont go to Chester-le-Street over Promise!!!!! It doesn't compare Lets see live Kelly Lorena PA at Crocs or John OO Fleming?!?!?! No contest!!!
I used 2 go 2 the dig all the time and i've sort of grown out of it, n i dont think much of S.Lawler either. I need a tidy event or summit similar. Tidy London on Sat is Tidt Two's 1st Birthday but i aint got the transport so its a non starter. keep them coming tho.
come round mine, i'll give u some hard bang bang banging f'naar na tidy london will be shite... hard dance = vicious circle =