What makes you.............. Unique as a DJ ? what do you incorprate into your set/style to make you different from the norm ??? something to think about
My lass plays Garlands Nah, I'd say the best feature of my DJing is tune selection, knowing when to drop what at the right time. I think :spangled:
how do you market yourself ? do you put yourself across as another boring house DJ ? what makes you stand out ? in your eyes anyway ?
mine used to be my clothes and hair, but i toned that down a bit but now it has to be my stage presense ijust totaly go for it and tune selction i.e knowing wot is going to go down were and when hold the smarmy comments about hostile please
have you moved with technology ? making use of samplers/efx/CDJ's. do you think you can take your hobby to the next level ? are you the next James Zabelia ? I think it's no longer playing tunes end to end, let's be honest given practice your grandma could beat mix. Things have moved a long way, you have to move with the times. Talylor make your own sound, not just with tunes but making use of mixing tools, locked grooves, efx and the likes.
oh yeah im making use of cdj's and samplers when they are in the cubs but to be honset not many clubs are using effects units and stuff so u have to improvise with wot you have when they are not there init
I was in ibiza for over 4 weeks this year and spent a great deal watching DJ's close. watching 6 hour sets played on CD's only James Zabelia unplugging the mixer in space and setting up his own. Ritchie Hawtin playing on final scratch.....not much vinyl going about I was really taken back, I thought I had it sussed. I really know fuck all about the whole thing I'm a v-good DJ, but these boys could never play you the same set twice, they are improvising all the time looping/sampling creating as they go. that's how it's gonna be if your gonna make it. I think anyway
i was taking the pish... we stuck one of his spankin nu cdrs on loop when he wasnt looking (cos were mature like that) and 4 mins later he still hadnt noticed.
I don't 'market' myself really. Don't want to come across with an image, I'm just a DJ. I think my tunes are what separates me from other boring House DJs though. I have the ability to make people dance to House music they've never heard before, rather than blasting out the latest Subliminal Sessions CD in a different order. A lot of my mates don't really know anybody else that plays my kinda House music, and in Newcastle, where the underground scene's small, that makes me unique
At the end of the day Allie no one @ Kanya when i went the week just gone knew fuck all about your lass - my mates worked there all summer PR'in for them and then went to assistand head of promotions and he knew fuck all ! Where has this storty evolved from ??
Huh? :spangled: She played there 3 times. Once for Garlands, and twice for Kanya. She met some PR lass at Kanya once, and if you'd bothered to ask either of the residents (of which there are two), one being Rob, the other's name I can't remember, they'd know her. I can givey ou pictures of her playing Kanya if you like? :spangled: