What is your... subject you can spiel lots of information about? We were just talking about this the other day as someone I know at 6th form got an offer from Cambridge. The offer was if he gets two E's in his summer exams he can have a place there Hes a fucking genius!! We were talking about how he actually knows almost every historical date to the present and saying we would love to be able to talk about things like that!! I wouldnt say I have a subject I know looooads about although im pretty good with art (to a certain extent!!) and some music. I know a bit about certain designers and fashion etc but thats mainly due to my mum! Does anybody have a secret subject they know loooads about?
The military Mostly the British military like stupid specifications and facts that i dont really need to know
Re: What is your... depends on what day it is if its a norm day then insurance as thats what i do if its w'end the roll the dice and take you chance TBH
For me id say music, not just hardcore as ive sorta studied the history behind most forms of dance music, im not an expert per say but im quite well informed
i couldnt talk for ages about anythin i would just get bored and go off topic. i could prob talk loads on marketing at the min as its all ive been revising, but ask me in bout 2 weeks and i would of forgot most of it
Re: What is your... Dont have a specific specialist subject Id say a know clumps of information about all sorts of subjects but theres not one that id say i was an expert in Maybe Sales processes ,,,, ive been on that many training courses i can tell the name of the bloke that teaches it just by the sqeaking sound of there shoes !