What is clubbing all about for you?

Discussion in 'Music' started by fizz, Dec 6, 2002.

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  1. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    What is clubbing all about for you?

    lets put it all into perspective....

    like doggie says, there is a mixture of different clubbers,
    some who go out to listen to a certain DJ, some for the tunes, some for the mixing, some just to dance, and some just socialise.

    So you could say this is why we have different 'levels' of DJ's.

    First and foremost a DJ is an entertainer, whether he/she does it by their mixing skills, scratching, tune selection or simply just working the crowd, and whether they do it for the money as a job or see it as paying hobby/passion they MUST entertain.

    The top DJs (best of the best) can obviously succeed in all these areas, although may not be strong in the odd field. But each DJ to their own entertains in their own little way, with whatever skills they have and thus creates their own following and support of a selection of clubbers.

    At the end of the day we all have our own tastes and what we go out clubbing for. My personal view is club culture hopefully should be about the dance music... the MUSIC. Thats what its all about right? It should be about yourself and friends, going out socialising, for the music and being entertained for the night/weekend. But is it actually just for that now? Like someone said in another thread - is trance getting too serious? but in reality shouldnt it be - isnt clubbing getting too serious?

    ie. picking faults with DJs, slagging them off when they play badly (which is probably once in a blue moon and they probably have a reason) such as the mentioned DJs that have played at promise and have read the comments posted.

    as an example:
    Who cares if John Kelly had a one off night, didnt he play some good tunes? So a couple of his beats were out, so what!! You must have been standing around listening to every mix rather than enjoying the music and enjoying your night. Seems like these 'trainspotting' people dont know how to enjoy themselves.

    Just a point that i think a lot of people are forgetting about the core of going clubbing and the whole scene in itself... i thought it was all about the Music, but now it seems a lot of people are taking it too seriously.

    This is just my personal view and opinion, oyu may have your own because of how you see clubbing...

    so what is clubbing about for you?
    What do you go clubbing for?
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