What has been every1s best night at promise? WHAT has been the best night at promise? Mine was scot project
http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11244 the existing thread on this..........
i really enjoyed the scot project night, but i was in too much pain with my back to be able to dance, so that spoilt it, but the last time rob tissera was here was fucking fantastic!! ive had loadsa great nights tho!
my mates said rob was class glitter angel how r u on the net every time i come on do u not go to work or uni lol
she does absolutley fuck all mate. no uni no college no work. lazy bitch numero uno. but i love her for it
i certainly did!!! was a class nite out......... even tho i lost every1 i was with repeatedly & ended up doing laps of tall trees taking pics of random cybers!!!!
How do you afford to live i am at college and i earn about £80 a week from work and i cant afford to go out that much
I really did enjoy Scot Project night Rob Tissera was the best night i've had this year so far But i can't remember much else its just like 1 long BLUR
Marco V and Eddie Haliwell. My best night at Promise by far Scott Bond was good the last time aswell.