What does your name mean? Check out what every letter in your name means... canny rubbish but i'm so bored http://www.blogthings.com/acro/acronym-outcome.php EMILY E is for Extraordinary M is for Misunderstood I is for Innocent L is for Lovable Y is for Young
L is for Likeable U is for Unusual K is for Kinky E is for Earnest T is for Timeless E is for Extraordinary R is for Refreshing R is for Radical Y is for Young
R is for Remarkable A is for Alluring C is for Calm H is for Hardworking E is for Ebullient L is for Logical
A is for Ambitious L is for Lucky E is for Energetic X is for XXX That pretty much somes me up in four words, how accurates is everyones elses?
H is for Heavenly A is for Alluring N is for Neglected N is for Nervy A is for Arty H is for Helpful Neglected and Nervy Nuff said :cry2:
GRAHAM G is for Giddy R is for Rich A is for Altruistic H is for Heavenly A is for Amazing M is for Magnificent :angel2: