What does/or did your partner nag to you about all the time? The things you did or the things you necessarily didn't do which pissed them off! I'm interested to know spill.....
Not looking properly when I crossed the road..he wud grab my hand and make me look both ways like a little kid...it used to piss me off intensly..especially when i was half way across the road and he wud drag me back and make me w8 ten minutes for a kilometre gap between cars...god he was a twat...
My ex use to go on all the time about me being an enigma, he couldnt figure me out Ooh and for being indecisive all the time, which is true!
I used to get nagged at for wanting to go out..he just wanted to sit in and watch telly all the time....he he he..the best thing now is that he's got a bairn to some sixteen year old slapper and is living in a shithole in the middle of nowhere...not gloating or anything..
I go on at Phil a bit for being indecisive............ its fun nagging though coz I dont mind it at all, I just find it funny and quite sweet!
MONEY. No matter how an argument starts, it's always about money. I reckon, along with jealosy, it's one of the most common causes of arguments in long term relationships/marriages. Or is it just me?? (Get the violins out)
nag nag nag my ex-wife was a complete bitch. she had a problem with everything. she nagged when i drank lager. she nagged when i watched porn, but she fuckin nagged everytime i watched football or went 2 st james park........... she had 2 go 4 that like. my daughter is 3 and she is a mag but her mams new lad is a fuckin sad makam bastard...............would u believe it. i just hope he dosnt tale her 2 the stadium of shite.