What does format disc do? Help, i think i've lost loads of my work as for some reason on all the computers I've tried today it wont work and asks if I want to format it. Will this lose my stuff?? girly question i know but i don't understand!
Re: What does format disc do? Do not format the disc.. you will lose all your work. Wait till one of the uber geeks gets on.. they will no doubt know of a program to save ya data...
Students when will they learn to back up their work?!! (tut tut) floppy disks are so pedantic nowadays.... lost count how many times 3rd years kept their entire dissertation on a floppy. And either it corrupted or they left the disk somewhere.... Did u not have a backup? Ermm..... no...... computer said no.
i back up all my work normally, but this is stuff I'd been preparing for teachin 6th form revision lessons and had to transfer from a computer in Alnwick to mine at home. As I'm not an official teacher I don't have any document space on their computers so couldn't save it!
Ask the techies at your uni, see if they can salvage it... we do it for some of out students. pretty ones. II HAAVVEE TTTHHHEE PPPPOOOWWWWEERRRRR