What do u H8? The thing i find most annouying in the world is, when sum1 scraps a knife r fork down a plate!!! *cringe* So whats yours?
i have loads 1 being nails down a black board!!!! i also deteste ppl who blatently lie but r unable to keep a story consistant!!!!
Even the thought of the nails down the blackboard is making me cringe *shudder* and i suppose i agree on the other front as well, i dislike it when people lie to me.
well personally i dont like to touch egg boxes very frequently, or use wooden chopsticks, or taste food off wooden spoons, and people who crack jokes which do not appeal to my sense of humour. and i hate wakin up in the dark, cold shitty mornin. i want warm sunlight streamin through my window instead. if this comes true ill buy you all a beer.
i also h8 the thought of chewing tinfoil in ya mouth (addmittedly why the fuck wud u want to do that!!!) & also plastic knives & forks against polystirene plates making that awful squeaking noise!!!!
this may sound strange, but i hate touching my collarbone, it makes me feel ill! its probs cos its so bony, but i hate the feel of it. also, i hate with a very strong passion, all these kiddy trance tracks around at the moment, which are just covers of old songs i think we're alone now take my breath away boys of summer total eclipse of the heart i wanna dance with somebody to name a few... they all make my ears bleed!
both ov these are well annoying, but wot annoys is most at the min is cheaters, its bad enuff they cheat, but lie about it 2 wich is even worse!!!!! :evil: also dont like white sports cars! ITS JUST NOT RIGHT!
that is also a pet h8 - i h8 white cars full stop!!!! they r nasty!!!! cheaters r not gud either but unfortuneatley it happens its the lying bit that gets me every time....................
Kylie Minogue The French Racists Paedo's Gangster Rap Hard House (the evil stuff not the bouncy stuff)