What do these play Housework in Leeds lists these for tomorrow: Arch 1 - Toolbox Records Tour Nik Denton, The Testube Babies, Andy Whitby, Tolley Arch 2 - Heaven Wayne G, Gordon John, Porl Young Arch 3 - Openwide Is it HH in arch 1
whitby plays hard house...used to be pretty dam good from what i remember! dunno wot he's like now though
My mate's coming from Newcastle tomorrow and there aren't many options. Can't be arsed queuing for Basics and don't fancy bosh all night.
I've walked past at 11 a few times and the Q has been back to the Corn Exchange. It was a few months back - maybe its died down Tempted to give it a go now. Are the bouncers still utter wankers?
Lottie, Matthew Jonson Live, James Holroyd and Frenchy. Simon Mu in the backroom too. Should be a cracker. Is there not a paying guesty for Basics?
Fcuk me. Its a nightclub, not a flight to Baghdad: Although the club opens at 10pm on most saturdays, a queue often forms before this time. The paying guestlist is for large mixed (male & female) groups coming a long distance. The guestlist opens on 11am on the monday before the saturday and is filled on a first-come first-served basis to a limited number. Please be warned that due to demand on busy weeks the paying guestlist allocation can be filled within 30 minutes. People put on the paying guestlist will be asked to arrive between 10 & 10.30 wearing smart clubwear. Jeans & trainers are ok so long as they can be described as smart clubwear. Admission is at the discretion on the doorpickers & doorstaff. Being on the guestlist does not guarantee entry if you turn up when the club is already full, are dressed inappropriately, or are behaving in an inappropriate manner. The queuing system is laid out as 3 parallel queues to the left of the door Against the wall of the club to the left of the door as you look at it - vip free guestlist. Left of the door, centre queue - people on no list who just want to turn up & pay to get in. Left of the door, furthest from the club - paying guestlist, b2b members & shops/bars. While we strive to fit everyone into the club, and get people in as quickly as possible, our capacity is only 500 so inevitably there will be times when people are disappointed or will have to wait a while before getting in.
I just want a good night night out! Party round mine at this rate Just gave the friendly man at the club a call. "Guestlist's lists closed mate - get here before 11 and you'll get in." Hmmmm....
i've been pretty much every week this summer an the ques are never bad when we get there... nothing much has happened before 12 anyways... hit the bars 1st then move on there afterwards...