What do i do.. tell my mam now or later..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Apr 19, 2005.

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  1. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    What do i do.. tell my mam now or later..

    I have to goto London to have an interview to see if i'm able to travel to America. Anyone who's been arrested, even if it didnt lead to prosecution, has to do this and if you're accepted u get a little visa that u pay £60 for and it allows you to get through customs without bother when u get there. However, a letter from the US Embassy has just made a trip through my door and into the hands of my adoreable loving mother and she's now suspicious about it as it's addressed to me. The quickest thing i could think of is to say it's for my m8 because he'd phoned from our house phone to apply (calls cost £1.30 p/m and he wasnt allowed to phone from his house *apparently* ;)) and they have a policy that states the info has to be delivered to the same address as the caller/phone (also *apparently*). I wouldnt buy this excuse and i dont think she does either.. she's just been in a second time and asked if it was really for me, and i whittled out of it with a string of 'no's' and an innocent face.

    I dunno whether or not to admit to being arrested now or later if she asks again because I dont know how much i'll have to admit to. Previous plans (and still in action up till now) were/are to wait till i've been to London etc and have my visa in my hand, and if there's no details packaged along with it i can just say i got arrested one night for getting into a fight that was totally not my fault. That is a lie.

    I got arrested for possession of MDMA as it reads on my police statement and i sure as hell dont want to tell my parents about that. Unless I have no way of hiding it.

    What do u think i should do.. tell her now or keep hiding it if the excuses hold and wait till i have the visa etc so i know what i have to admit to?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. fran

    fran *****Fighting Star *****

    Jul 22, 2004
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    In my little world
    My Mate had to go to visit the Embassy b4 he went to America and He's a clean as a whistle.

    Never been in trouble at all

    He just had to convince them that he was going to come back to this country. Apparantly just cos he had no ties in this country they thought he was going to try and stay over there.

    So use that one, don't say owt......sorted :D
  4. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    It's a family holiday I'm going on and my m8 is coming along with us. He's been arrested countless times for stupid things i'll not mention, always due to too much alcohol and my mam knows about this. My trip down to the Embassy is/was covered with the excuse that we're going to make a day of it in and around London. My mam seems to think i get into fights a lot (I have no idea why.. I'm not an angry person nd i never do get into fights. Even arguments are rare with me) so she'd never believe i happen to be going down there for a visa with my m8, for no reason at all :p

    I even have doubts about them letting me get a visa due to the nature of my arrest. it didnt lead to prosecution however as it was the only time i've ever been in trouble with the police and i just got a caution. I can't see a caution having me barred from the USA but it still frightens me whenever I think about it.
  5. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    Admit it now mate :) I lyed to my rents about money when i was 18 and i was in allsorts of bother with banks, credit cards etc.. When they found out they were so dissapointed and i felt so ashamed of myself! The truth is the best policy, even if ya Ma is Gutted you've been arrested she'll respect ya more for telling her!

    I know tell me Ma everything ;) tis the best way :)
  6. emzy


    Apr 29, 2004
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    North Shields
    i think they might stop you going with it being for drugs - they are really strict with this - as if you hadn't guessed :p

    I would admit to it now rather than later cos it'll give you ma time to get over it before the hol!

    Honesty is always the best policy afterall!!

    Oh nd good luck!!!

  7. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i dunno if it's true, but i heard the US don't allow access with ANY drug convictions....
  8. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    It is mate, My mate go denied a few month ago.
  9. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    god I'm shitting myself now.. I wasn't convicted but I can see it happening when i get to london. I'm gonna jump off the nearest bridge if that happens. seriously :(
  10. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    Did you just get a caution?? You might be alrite mate, you never know! My mate got caught with a certain Class A not sure wheather he was convicted or just cautioned by he defo got knocked back.

    Hope it works oot 4 ya matey :)
  11. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
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    Get yaself down the stairs head first tonight = problem solved + empty house for a couple of weeks :lol:
  12. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    good idea but my stairs are too padded. I dunno if i should start a new thread off asking u all for good ways of injuring myself for 4 months. I might just find a field full of bulls and run around in red clothes shouting mooooo whilst taunting them all with my hay hat. Do bulls eat hay?
  13. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
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    There are more stairs in the world than the ones in your house :eek: :p
  14. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    Why don't you ring the Embassy for some advice? You might even save yourself a trip if it is bad news!

    Actually, a friend of mine got a caution about 6 years ago, but went to the States last year, so you may well be OK.
  15. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    fuck it we can all go out some night this week, and i will let out all my anger and frstration by calling you all names and mocking your parents. Then you's can kick the shit out of me until a chosen referee says I'm past the 4 months of hospital stage.

    I'm really shitting myself about this now. If i am refused access to the usa its the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Banned for having a caution in this country whereas people who have a criminal record for beating the neighbours up are allowed to go and play on the swings :spangled: :bang:
  16. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Oh they are a bunch of arseholes. It's £1.30 per minute and if u ask them anything they say 'you'll have to apply for an interview'. It's like a computer that talks to u.. same reply if you ask the wrong question. I wouldnt be suprised if the guy down the phone gave me an error 404 ffs. At the same time though i dunno if i'd rather hear it down the phone, or go down to have an interview. U can never trust people down the phone as much as you can in person or at least u don't take their final answer as seriously.

    The people at work have told me i dont need to go for an interview at all if I only have a caution as colin off fresh (I am a colin also.. wow) went not long ago and he;s been arrested yet he got in and out of the us fine.. no trips to london or anything.
  17. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    i response to your first question. lie like fuck. if it goes pete tong then fess up, else keep shtum.

    the US is an arsehole ridden place anyway so no biggie. personally i wouldnt lose sleep if i got 'access denied' trying to go there, but if you like the place...
  18. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Would anyone good at finding stuff, or anyone who knows about this, please help me out. I'm interested to know how the US check records once ur over there.

    Reading posts on a forum i found a lot of people say this is scheme designed to firstly, make as much money as possible as well as enforce security issues. Major offenses are self explainitory as to why you would need a visa to get into the country etc but minor ones like traffic offenses etc are just petty, but rake in millions with this scheme. The way everything is worded on the website is done so to scare people into thinking they're in serious trouble if they dont get a visa for whatever offense they may have commited.

    However, from that forum there are posts from people who have been and one of them said when he got to the airport over there and showed his visa, the bloke said "YOU DONT NEED A VISA,UNLESS YOU HAVE RAPED,ROBBED OR BEEN IN PRISON TWICE,THE EMBASSY IN LONDON IS STRAPPED FOR CASH"

    I'm also concerned aobut what aonother person said, "Here in Scotland it takes approx 6 weeks for a disclosure check to be carried out, if US immigration can find out criminal convictions at the touch of a button then why are we not using the system here in the UK. Still agree with the money making idea!!!!"

    I dunno if I should even bother going down to london now :spangled: Although i'd prefer to, theres the chance that i'm not allowed a visa and even if i am i'm sure theres a 14-16week waiting time for visas to people with this kind of offense and that would be too late as i depart on the 14th.. 2 days before the minimum waiting time for my visa.

    I know nobody cares but its really bugging me and i'm suprised i havent shat all over myself with some of the scares I've had. If someone could point me in the direction of info regarding customs in the US, I'd be grateful :) (and google or any other search engines are good but i'm shit at finding stuff.. I only ever seem to find an overview of a situation)

  19. emzy


    Apr 29, 2004
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    North Shields
    I was reading a forum before and a guy had the same problem and apparently his solicitor told him to just go as they don't have a way of checking at customs in the airport, so i don't know what the crack is - maybe ask your solicitor

  20. emzy


    Apr 29, 2004
    Likes Received:
    North Shields
  21. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Can't lie when u apply for a visa cos u need ur police statement to get one.. if you dont have that i guess they tell you to fuck off till you come back with one.. or maybe if there isnt one u need proof of this from the police. Not sure if u meant lie like fuck to my parents.. i think u probably did :p I agree there.. some things are best kept hidden if u know its gonna cause problems and get blown up 10x bigger than it really is.

    Just incase u didnt know, u need a visa to enter the US but atm, there is a 'visa waiver program' that u can use if u have a clean record. u just fill in a form on the plane before u get there and its ok. Anyone with an arrest or[i think] isnt of english nationality, and coming from this country can't use this form tho. -- This is what i'm thinking about using anyway if i convince myself that they dont have a way of filtering one person out of thousands going through customs everyday due to a little lie about being arrested that isnt on my record. (i dunno where the details of the arrest are kept like)

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