What can computers do to you physically. Not really a tecky question but thought it could go here. Sitting at a computer 9 hrs a day, 5 days a week...can it do physical damage? Ive got my posture sorted and that soft cushion thing for my wrists on the keyboard, but like, what does it do to your eyes? Anyone know?
Re: What can computers do to you physically. Im on pc all day every week day and i already wear specs but my eyes n head knack me at the end of the day , ur meant to have a rest from the pc every hour , to save your eyes and maybe have a walk maybe to make a coffee or sumit just to help your blood circulate or sumit ( well my bosses pc tells him after so often to go for a walk to prevent heart attackes etc ) also u should have one of them glare guards on the screen , i havent tho
In the last year since I've started working 9-5 on PCs my eye sight has totally gone downhill. I used to be able to read things from really far away and now I just quite can't.
In a few years they will probably be able to beat the shit out of you for not closing them down properly
I have worked with computers for about 8 years now at least 7 hours a day and just had an eye test and have got perfect vision- I've heard they can make any eye condition worse though cos if your eyes are slightly bad and you strain them every day to look at the screen, they will just get worse and worse all the time.
Well, i have worked with computers all my life - and so far so good, no damage to me. I think a lot of it is hype and ppl worrying about nothing. Obvioulsy tho if u sit at a vdu for hours at a time u will get eye strain, headaches etc.. I always stick to the golden rule - never sit staring at screen for more than 1hr at a time - go for a 5min walk, get a coffee/water or something
A cheap monitor (or any non flatscreen imho) will make you feel sick if you use it too much - all that radiation coming from the tube and the screen flicker can fuck you up. I use a pc for 9 hours a day at work and wouldnt dream of using a regular monitor again after how it affected me beforehand - just makes you look tired, pale and screws your eyes.
Indeedy! I have been askin work to get me a decent monitor or a screen filter for AGES!! They wont at all tho!!!!! Am sure its probably illegal..............
My eyes are really tired this week..ive adjusted the brightnes on the screen so its as low as it can be with me actually being able to see the screen. I think it might be cos its a different computer. The one im used to is in a fairly dark room and the monitor is a big ol' one. This one is in a light and airy room with a flat screen...Bet my eyes will just adjust and ill have to go back. Know what's been causing the headaches thought...the damn plug in airfreshner...evil bastards.