wHaT aLl yOu pEePs uP ToO??????? Having a nice day everyone????? NoT much going on with me just keepin it real!!!!!:chill: Work for a company where I sort out all the agency staff having ti hire and fire people is shit I get lodsa crap!!! Bless me............please!!!!
I am having a nightmare! Supposed to be going to Sankeys tonight to see Ritchie H Am Des(ignated driver) Feel full of cold At work Snowed under Just opened my bait box to find all the lettuce in my sarnies has turned to mush cos my draw is next to a radiator Not raining 5-2 even sunderland get better results than that!
Bless ya... I'm currently sitting here thinkin bout gettin sum food... and i'm waiting for 2.30 - Then I finish work!!! Off to the pub after that and then gettin ready for promise....
just got in from college!!!, chilling listening to me yoji cd......AGAIN!!!, and talking to all u peeps on the board!!!!!, nice way to spend an afternoon or what!!!!!!!!!
think she meant she was full of cold!! dress code at sankeys is pretty much same as promise. i wore trainers when i went
oh, and me....im terrible. had the worst week in the histroy of weeks!!! im trying to find somewhere to live, and having no luck. life is so bloody hard, why dont they warn you about this when ure a kid????? OR WHY DIDNT I LISTEN????
I'm having a shitty day too....at work 1 till 7, then 8 till 12....i can feel my social life slowly dwindling away.....doin a doubler tomorrow aswell......roll on sunday nite!
Well I've just been informed by the boss that I've gotta go pick up some stuff from middlesborough (sp?) Joy.... Not that I've got anythin against middlesborough or its lovely landscape... So I guess this is me last post 2day... so everybody have a good weekend Roll on promise